After endless buzz around the new live-action series, based on the iconic Nickelodeon animated series of the same name, Netflix has dropped the first official trailer for Avatar: The Last Airbender. The story follows a fictional world made up of four nations: Water, Earth, Fire and Air, which all lived in harmony but “everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked”. The world’s guardian known as The Avatar, master of all four elements, was their only chance of survival until he mysteriously vanished. Years later, Water tribe siblings Katara and Sokka discover a young boy named Aang , frozen in an iceberg, and learn he is the only surviving Air Nomad and the new Avatar. Check out the full trailer above!
The new series stars a cast of newcomers and screen veterans, including Gordon Cormier as Aang, Kiawentiio as Katara, Ian Ousley as Sokka, Dallas Liu as Prince Zuko, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Uncle Iroh, and Daniel Dae Kim as Fire Lord Ozai.
As a superfan of the original animated series, and not so much a fan of the 2010 feature film attempt, I couldn’t be more psyched for this new adaptation. Just from the casting, effects and return of the series’ grand score, I can’t wait to see what’s in store!
Avatar: The Last Airbender premieres globally February 22 on Netflix