From award-winning director Billy Luther comes his feature film debut, Frybread Face and Me, a delightful new dramedy that “follows two adolescent Navajo cousins from different worlds as they bond during a summer on their grandmother’s Arizona ranch, learning more about their family’s past and about themselves.”
The trailer reveals a young child (Keir Tallman) who learns they’re spending the summer with their grandmother on a reservation, letting down their wishes of seeing Fleetwood Mac in concert. (“Stevie Nicks is a witch” followed by the child tearing their shirt open in despair, revealing a band t-shirt was hilarious!) They soon meet their cousin Fry (Charley Hogan) whom he initially butts heads with, but as the summer goes on the two grow closer and go through a journey of self-discovery and expression together.
The coming-of-age dramedy premieres on Netflix and will play in select theatres November 24th, which is also Native American Heritage Day.